Featured Animal Welfare Shelters

The Cutest Pet and our parent company ContestsForCauses.org are committed to supporting No-Kill Animal Shelters, Pet Adoption and Animal Rescue Facilities.  We also like to encourage people to adopt wonderful animals from these shelters as there are millions of beautiful animals needing good, loving homes. For this reason, we provide lists of just some of these shelters who provide food and shelter to these loving animals until a true hero comes along and adopts them, ultimately and literally saving their lives in many cases. 

If you’d like to refer an animal welfare organization, shelter or rescue in your area, please feel free to email us their details at animal-welfare@thecutestpet.com and we’ll follow up promptly.

If you operate a no-kill animal welfare shelter, animal adoption or animal rescue shelter and would like to receive a complimentary listing in our directory, listed categorically on our site please send an email to:

Michael Allen
email: animal-welfare@thecutestpet.com

Please include:  Your Name, Business Name, Phone Number, email address and Website Address if available and the best time to reach you in case we have any questions.

Your listing, upon verification of services provided, will be featured in our forthcoming searchable database to include search filters allowing visitors to search by location and services provided. Thanks for doing what you do. The world is a better place because of it.